Our State, Our Work


Registration Deadline is Nov. 17th at 5pm


Wednesday, November 29
Programming from 8AM until 5PM with a fun-filled reception following from 5-6PM


The Friday Conference Center at UNC
100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27599


Everyone interested in the work our communities are doing to help connect young adults with living wage employment opportunities



Members of the American Planning Association (APA) can earn 5.25 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) credits for attending the summit. Click here to apply for credits.

Who Are Opportunity Youth?

Opportunity Youth are young adults ages 16 to 24 who are not enrolled in school and not working full or part time. These individuals are sometimes referred to as disconnected youth, however, at Carolina Across 100 we prefer “Opportunity Youth” because it captures our sense of optimism that all young people can thrive if we provide the systems, tools, and resources necessary for navigating this period of life.

Stories of Thriving from across North Carolina

Our hope is that, alongside our community teams, we can take these individual “stories of thriving” and create systems-level programming across the state that creates accessible on-ramps to education and employment.

Stories of Thriving Across North Carolina